Summer 2019
Hello and thanks so much for your continued
support. Be a long time customer or new
interested client you are appreciated.
Please know I'm willing to give you my time, energy and best work
possible. In exchange moving forward I
need you to give me five minutes of your time to complete this form.
I apologize if this is a turn-off, I do
understand this is not for everyone and you have options. However I have limited client
availability, so if we're anything less than a perfect fit it's best to
get that out now.
1. Opportunity.
Here we have the potential for a great/unique dynamic of client/tech
direct interaction. First off please
know everything here is me, from repair tech, lesson instructor, secretarial,
service manager, accounting, tax, inventory, upkeep, webmaster, etc. You are dealing with me at all times. We are friends, either great or small. I'm only interested in respectful
2. Many clients. I cannot
work a hundred different ways for a hundred different people. To overstate the obvious, what works best
for me is best for me.
3. Time. Assume my list of things to do
vs. time to work on (your) gear is tight.
Please use my time wisely and minimally. Message boards are out there as a "community"
service; people volunteering their
experience and expertise at their leisure. As much as I enjoy my clients I'm just not able to hang out
during work hours. It's critical I
utilize this time to focus on the task at hand (something I know you'll
appreciate when your job is completed in a timely manner).
4. Communication. Email is my
preferred method and I keep my own hours. Please bear in mind I have a family and like
everyone require mental reprieve from my profession.
5. Gear texting.
This doesn't work well for me.
Please assume I'm often occupied.
Hold off unless time related or quick answer. We all love gear, none more than myself. Email or simply text my email address
repairs at echoluxe dot com.
Repairs: I've been doing
this since the '90s. I have an
extremely high success rate over tens of thousands of repairs. Please be aware that due to unforeseen
circumstances not all repairs go to perfection. Should a problem subsequently arise just talk to me, I'm a quite
understanding individual. My aim is to
work through it and make things right, to successfully get you to your gig.
7. Music Store. I fully understand this personal dynamic is not for
everyone. If you need a more store-like
structure feel free to search that out.
I need all my clients to understand and also meet my needs too, as I'm
perpetually working to meet yours.
I have read the
aforementioned terms and conditions. Continue ____
***To Proceed You Agree To
All Aspects Of The Above Plus These 4 Simple Stipulations***
1. All Prices Best Case
Scenario and Subject To Change ($35 Minimum Bench Fee)
2. First Come/First Serve
Basis, 40% Increase For Rush Job.
3. A 30-Day Warranty On Labor
(At Tech’s Judgement/Applies Exclusively To Specific Task Performed and New
Parts Only. Does Not Cover Addtional Problems).
4. We Are Currently Low On
Space. Please Pick Up Your Repair Asap
When Ready. Again, Only Check In Your
Item If/When You Are Prepared To Pay and Pick Up.
**No Storage Here. I Can't Stress This Enough. No Storage Here. If That's A Problem Hold Off Until You Are Ready, Will Be Glad To
Help At That Time. Thank You.
***$30 Storage Fee Applies
After 30 Days. 60 Days After Repair The
Item Is Sold To Recoup Parts And Labor.
Your reply email is my confirmation you've read this and everything sounds reasonable.